Our Values
Yellow Kite Child Psychology is an inner-city practice accessible to all of Calgary. We believe in the importance of optimizing the well-being and success of children, adolescents, and families, through the administration of standardized assessment tools and the application of evidence-based treatment strategies, all within a safe and welcoming professional space.
We are deeply committed to creating an individualized treatment plan that will best support your child and your family. This process looks different for each of our clients. Sometimes, it begins with a psychoeducational assessment as a means of better understanding the nature and magnitude of a child’s strengths and areas for growth. Other times, we recommend several individual treatment sessions or group social skills sessions held at our office, where we discuss and rehearse key strategies in order to foster positive growth and development.
Our goal is to help your child take flight: whatever the path, our Yellow Kite team is with you every step of the way.
Soraya Lakhani, M.Ed., R. Psych.
Clinical Director, Yellow Kite Child Psychology